Graphic Design Tools

Boost your creativity with Photoshop’s AI Generative Fill

Some of us have surely imagined what would be beyond the limits of an image . Can you imagine being able to expand the canvas of your images and fill the empty space with harmonious content? All this and more is possible with Photoshop’s Generative Fill tool , a new feature that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate images from text.

In this article we explain what this tool is, how it works, what advantages it has and how you can use it to create amazing images. We also give you some tips and tricks to get the most out of this revolutionary tool. Read on and discover the power of generative AI in Photoshop!

What is Photoshop’s Generative Fill tool

Photoshop’s Generative Fill tool is a new feature that has been added to the beta version of Photoshop, the most recent and experimental version of the program, where new features are added for the community to test and give feedback before implementing them in the official version.

This addition is powered by Adobe Firefly , a set of generative AI models designed to be safe for commercial use and trained with Adobe Stock images , freely licensed works, and public domain content that has expired copyright.

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that is dedicated to creating new content from existing data, such as images, text or sounds. In the case of the tool, AI generates images from texts that describe what you want to create or modify.

How Photoshop’s Generative Fill Tool Works

Photoshop’s Generative Fill tool works very simply and intuitively. You just have to follow these steps:

  • Open the image you want to edit or create a new blank document in Photoshop (beta).
  • Select the Lasso Tool or any other selection tool and draw a selection over the area you want to edit or fill.
  • Click the Build button in the options bar or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+G (Windows) or Cmd+Opt+G (Mac).
  • A pop-up window will appear where you can type a text request describing what you want to generate or change in the image. For example: “add a black cat”, “delete the car”, “change the background to a forest”, etc.
  • Press Enter or click the Generate button to see the result. The AI ​​will create a new layer with the generated content, which you can adjust or edit as you wish.
  • If you don’t like the result or want to try other options, you can regenerate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+G (Windows) or Cmd+Opt+G (Mac) or by clicking the Generate again button in the pop-up window. The AI ​​will show you different variations every time you spawn.
  • When you’re happy with the result, you can merge the layers , save the image, or continue editing with other Photoshop tools.

Advantages of Photoshop’s Generative Fill Tool

The fill tool has many advantages that make it a very useful and powerful feature for image creators. Some of these advantages are:

  • It allows you to create images from scratch or modify existing images by just typing a few words, without requiring advanced knowledge of graphic design or photo editing.
  • It saves you time and effort , since you don’t have to search for external images, crop them, adjust them, combine them or manually retouch them to achieve the desired effect.
  • It offers you realistic and harmonious results , since AI generates images based on the context and style of the original image, respecting perspectives, lights, shadows and colors.
  • It gives you complete control over the creative process , as you can generate as many options as you want, adjust or edit them with other Photoshop tools, and combine them with your own artistic vision.
  • It helps you explore and experiment with your ideas, as you can try different text prompts, see how the image changes, and discover new creative possibilities.

Tips and Tricks for Using Photoshop’s Generative Fill Tool

Regenerative filler is very easy to use, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your results and get the most out of this feature. Here we leave you some:

  • Use clear and specific text requests. The AI ​​will generate images based on what you type, so the more detailed your request, the better the result. For example, instead of writing “add a dog,” it is better to write “add a brown Labrador retriever.”
  • Use commas to separate different elements or attributes . If you want to output multiple elements or specify multiple attributes, use commas to separate them. For example: “add a black cat, a gray mouse and a saucer of milk.”
  • Use dashes to indicate spatial relationships . If you want to indicate where you want to place the elements you generate, use dashes to establish spatial relationships. For example: “add a tree to the left of the lake”, “change the background to a mountain behind the house”.
  • Use parentheses to group elements or attributes . If you want to generate elements that have multiple attributes or are part of a group, use parentheses to group them. For example: “add a person (woman, blonde, smiling) with a red hat”, “change the background to a sky (blue, cloudy, with rainbow)”.
  • Try different requests to see different results . AI can generate very varied images depending on what you type, so don’t limit yourself to a single request. Try different words, synonyms, adjectives or combinations to see how the image changes and find the result you like best.

Beyond the limits

Photoshop’s Generative Fill tool is an incredible feature that allows you to create amazing images by just typing a few words. Powered by generative AI, you can quickly and easily add, remove or change elements of your images , or create images from scratch. Plus, you can control the creative process, adjust the results, and combine them with other Photoshop tools .

The Generative Fill tool is a fun and powerful way to explore and experiment with your ideas and shape them into images. What are you waiting for to try it?

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